![]() Also ich habe einen 2. Raptor eingebaut. Es ist auch der button da und ich kann in auch bauen aber er kann nicht schiessen. Weiss einer warum nicht ?
ist weaponset vollständig?
Zeig mal den WeaponSet Teil deiner Einheit und den Waffeneintrag deiner Weapons.ini
Webmaster www.frontier-wars.de |
Hir die weapon ini
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon Raptor2JetMissileWeapon PrimaryDamage = 100.0 PrimaryDamageRadius = 5.0 ScatterRadiusVsInfantry = 10.0 ;When this weapon is used against infantry, it can randomly miss by as much as this distance. AttackRange = 320 ;400.0 MinimumAttackRange = 100.0 AcceptableAimDelta = 30 DamageType = JET_MISSILES DeathType = EXPLODED WeaponSpeed = 1000 ProjectileObject = RaptorJetMissile ProjectileExhaust = MissileExhaust VeterancyProjectileExhaust = HEROIC HeroicMissileExhaust FireFX = None FireSound = RaptorJetMissileWeapon ProjectileDetonationFX = WeaponFX_JetMissileDetonation RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS NOT_SIMILAR DelayBetweenShots = 150 ClipSize = 4 ClipReloadTime = 8000 AutoReloadsClip = RETURN_TO_BASE ProjectileCollidesWith = STRUCTURES AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes AntiAirborneInfantry = No ShowsAmmoPips = Yes End ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Raptor2JetLaserGuidedMissileWeapon PrimaryDamage = 125.0 PrimaryDamageRadius = 5.0 ScatterRadiusVsInfantry = 10.0 ;When this weapon is used against infantry, it can randomly miss by as much as this distance. AttackRange = 320.0 MinimumAttackRange = 100.0 AcceptableAimDelta = 30 DamageType = JET_MISSILES DeathType = EXPLODED WeaponSpeed = 1000 ProjectileObject = RaptorJetMissile ProjectileExhaust = MissileExhaust VeterancyProjectileExhaust = HEROIC HeroicMissileExhaust FireFX = None FireSound = RaptorJetMissileWeapon ProjectileDetonationFX = WeaponFX_JetMissileDetonation RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS NOT_SIMILAR DelayBetweenShots = 150 ClipSize = 4 ClipReloadTime = 8000 AutoReloadsClip = RETURN_TO_BASE ProjectileCollidesWith = STRUCTURES AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes AntiAirborneInfantry = No ShowsAmmoPips = Yes End |
Webmaster www.frontier-wars.de |
Alter Klau mir nicht meinen MOD!
was soll das! Hab copyriht drauf! Frechheit!!!!!! |
1. ich klaue nichts 2. wenn du so dumm bist das du deine ganzen einstellungen postest bist halt selber schuld
ha... ich habs in der weapon ini war ein falscher eintrag mm... trozdem thx thunder und littel wulf mach mich nicht so dumm an mit sachen die nicht stimmen |
weaponset ist in der factionunit.ini
ps:ich hab littlewulf das erstellen neuer einheiten beigebracht! ![]() |
da ist die weaponset wenn es das richtige ist
Object AmericaJetRaptor2 ; *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = SACRaptor_L ButtonImage = SACRaptor UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_AmericaLaserMissiles UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining ;UpgradeCameo3 = NONE ;UpgradeCameo4 = NONE ;UpgradeCameo5 = NONE Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultConditionState Model = AVRaptor HideSubObject = BurnerFX01 BurnerFX02 WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY WeaponA End ConditionState = JETEXHAUST ; exhaust ParticleSysBone = Wingtip01 JetContrail ParticleSysBone = Wingtip02 JetContrail End ConditionState = JETEXHAUST JETAFTERBURNER ; exhaust ParticleSysBone = Wingtip01 JetContrail ParticleSysBone = Wingtip02 JetContrail ; afterburner ShowSubObject = BurnerFX01 BurnerFX02 ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetLenzflare ParticleSysBone = Engine02 JetLenzflare End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED Model = AVRaptor_D ; damage ParticleSysBone = Smoke01 JetSmoke ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetEngineDamagedSmoke End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED JETEXHAUST Model = AVRaptor_D ; damage ParticleSysBone = Smoke01 JetSmoke ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetEngineDamagedSmoke ; exhaust ParticleSysBone = Wingtip01 JetContrail ParticleSysBone = Wingtip02 JetContrail End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED JETEXHAUST JETAFTERBURNER Model = AVRaptor_D ; damage ParticleSysBone = Smoke01 JetSmoke ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetEngineDamagedSmoke ; afterburner ShowSubObject = BurnerFX01 BurnerFX02 ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetLenzflare ParticleSysBone = Engine02 JetLenzflare ; exhaust ParticleSysBone = Wingtip01 JetContrail ParticleSysBone = Wingtip02 JetContrail End ConditionState = RUBBLE Model = AVRaptor_D1B HideSubObject = None ShowSubObject = None End ConditionState = RUBBLE JETEXHAUST JETAFTERBURNER Model = AVRaptor_D1B ;HideSubObject is needed cause there're inherited from default condition state HideSubObject = None ShowSubObject = None ParticleSysBone = Engine01 JetExhaust ParticleSysBone = Engine02 JetExhaust ; exhaust ParticleSysBone = Wingtip01 JetContrail ParticleSysBone = Wingtip02 JetContrail End OkToChangeModelColor = Yes End ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:Raptor EditorSorting = VEHICLE Side = America TransportSlotCount = 0 ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable) VisionRange = 200.0 ShroudClearingRange = 400 Prerequisites Object = AmericaAirfield End WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY RaptorJet2MissileWeapon End WeaponSet Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE Weapon = PRIMARY RaptorJet2LaserGuidedMissileWeapon End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = AirplaneArmor DamageFX = None End BuildCost = 1800 BuildTime = 28 ExperienceValue = 50 50 100 150 ;Experience point value at each level ExperienceRequired = 0 100 200 400 ;Experience points needed to gain each level IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience CrusherLevel = 1 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CommandSet = AmericaJetRaptor2CommandSet ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = RaptorVoiceSelect VoiceMove = RaptorVoiceMove VoiceAttack = RaptorVoiceAttack VoiceAttackAir = RaptorVoiceAttackAir VoiceGuard = RaptorVoiceAirPatrol SoundDie = RaptorVoiceFalling SoundAmbient = RaptorAmbientLoop SoundAmbientRubble = NoSound ; For now, it is better to have some sound than no sound cause there is a bug in ; what triggers the sound move loop sound, and the multiplayer test is only days away ; SoundMoveLoop = RaptorAmbientLoop ; don't want sound while sitting at airfield ; SoundAmbient = NoSound UnitSpecificSounds VoiceCreate = RaptorVoiceCreate SoundEject = PilotSoundEject VoiceEject = PilotVoiceEject Afterburner = RaptorAfterburner VoiceLowFuel = RaptorVoiceLowFuel VoiceGarrison = RaptorVoiceMove End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS CAN_ATTACK SELECTABLE VEHICLE SCORE AIRCRAFT Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 180.0 InitialHealth = 180.0 End Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade ModuleTag_03 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaLaserMissiles End Behavior = ExperienceScalarUpgrade ModuleTag_04 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining AddXPScalar = 1.0 ;Increases experience gained by an additional 100% End Behavior = JetSlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_05 FXOnGroundDeath = FX_JetOnGroundDeath OCLOnGroundDeath = OCL_RaptorDeathFinalBlowUp DestructionDelay = 99999999; destruction will happen when we RollRate = 0.2 RollRateDelta = 100% ;each frame, rollrate = rollrate * rollrateDelta PitchRate = 0.0 FallHowFast = 110.0% ;Bigger is faster (can be over 100%,it's a fraction of gravity) FXInitialDeath = FX_JetDeathInitial OCLInitialDeath = OCL_RaptorDeathInitial DelaySecondaryFromInitialDeath = 500 ; in milliseconds FXSecondary = FX_JetDeathSecondary OCLSecondary = OCL_RaptorDeathSecondary FXHitGround = FX_JetDeathHitGround OCLHitGround = OCL_RaptorDeathHitGround DelayFinalBlowUpFromHitGround = 200 ; in milliseconds FXFinalBlowUp = FX_JetDeathFinalBlowUp OCLFinalBlowUp = OCL_RaptorDeathFinalBlowUp ; DeathLoopSound = MICAL NEEDS TO MAKE ME End Behavior = EjectPilotDie ModuleTag_06 ExemptStatus = HIJACKED GroundCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotOnGround AirCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotViaParachute VeterancyLevels = ALL -REGULAR ;only vet+ gives pilot End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_07 Mass = 500.0 End Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModuleTag_08 ReallyDamagedParticleSystem1 = Bone:Smoke RandomBone:Yes Psys:SmokeSmallContinuous01 ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_MIGDamageTransition End Behavior = JetAIUpdate ModuleTag_09 OutOfAmmoDamagePerSecond = 10% ; amount of damage to take per SEC (not per frame) when out of ammo ; note that it's expressed as a percent of max health, not an absolute TakeoffSpeedForMaxLift = 100% ; smaller numbers give more lift sooner when taking off TakeoffPause = 500 MinHeight = 5 ParkingOffset = 3 ; scooch it a little forward so the tail doesn't hit the doors ReturnToBaseIdleTime = 10000 ; if idle for this long, return to base, even if not out of ammo End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL RaptorJetLocomotor Locomotor = SET_TAXIING BasicJetTaxiLocomotor Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21 AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long... AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage... AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often. End Geometry = Box GeometryIsSmall = Yes GeometryMajorRadius = 14.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 7.0 GeometryHeight = 5.0 Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME ShadowSizeX = 89 ; minimum elevation angle above horizon. Used to limit shadow length. End |