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Alt 26-06-2007, 12:36
Benutzerbild von IslandMonkey
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Today I leave +BDG+

Well its been fun, but today i feel the clan is not the BDG i love and remeber. I know many of you in time have grown to like other games like i once did and have moved away from our CnC roots.
Now i tend to play TW on my own for 99% of the time. When im on TS im offtern ignored and not spoken too, i dont know if this is just because my mic is to quite and you just cant hear me. And most of BDG dont play TW all that much except for Benny who i think is on holiday at the moment.

I thank you for the old days we used to have & i will see some of you still for a game on TW and i hope we can remain friends.

Thanks and farewell

Alt 26-06-2007, 12:40
Benutzerbild von KingAl001
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thats hard for BDG

wish you all the best Rob

we spoke us

"Du redest von Bier - du redest in meiner Sprache."
Alt 26-06-2007, 13:03
Benutzerbild von witchdingsda
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hm, i come back and you go, that´s not the way i´ve expected.
we had some nice games in yuri. so i wish you a very good future.

Alt 26-06-2007, 13:26
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Wish u also the best for the future...

we spoke us on the other TS and we will keep playing together

cya later Amigo!!!

in diesem sinne³:

Muchas Maracas

Geändert von Bossi (26-06-2007 um 14:16 Uhr).
Alt 26-06-2007, 15:29
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You' ll make your way in TW!!

See you Ingame.

All the best, Robin!

Gott ist auch nur ein Konstrukt meiner Matrix!

Alt 26-06-2007, 16:55
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OL Nick: fadm4x
hey m8, wish you all the best & hope to find enough time to play some games together soon.

greetz dennis
Alt 26-06-2007, 18:11
Benutzerbild von Kabit
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OL Nick: *General*
rob i wish u all good thinks for ur future in tw. we will stay in contact my friend. will see ya in a game.

i`ám so sorry , but its very difficult for a not german to be in a german clan.
u cant read and unterstand anything.
last time no one can hear ya in ts cause ur mic is f.... up .

we talk a lot over ur sitiaution and i can understand u ...

best wishes dude we will never forget the last yeas in yuri with u.
it was allways a funny time and we all will never forget u
Kabit.. Leader +BDG+ by..

Ich hab nie gesagt tut das was ich tue
sondern tut das was ich sage.
Alt 26-06-2007, 20:37
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OL Nick: YuGoMaFiA
Style: Allie
no commend

Alt 27-06-2007, 00:13
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OL Nick: OesipoweR
hm robin we are in contact some each days during the week and u told me all ur problems. everytime we were on ts and played together ur mic worked good and we understood what u said. i think some people just didnt wanted to hear u. but thats their problem not urs. i hope u will find a new home which honors ur efforts and all u wanna do for a clan.

we will stay in contact honey and will bash many guys and girls in the future ^^

greetz from the mountains and stay horney

ÖsipoweR RulZ
Alt 27-06-2007, 00:26
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na robin. maybe you regrett your decision now. it was a nice evening, although your mic was not very loud. i think no one would say "no", if you tell us that you take back your decision to leave us. building up the tw-squad is still in progress, but from the point of my rejoin i can notice that it´s going forward. so maybe you should wait a bit longer untill you make a final decision to leave +BDG+.
Alt 27-06-2007, 10:46
Benutzerbild von IslandMonkey
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Thx for all the kind words guys, i will still play with all of you anyway. yes thats just irony for you that the day i leave +BDG+ is the only day i see and play with +BDG+ on TW. yes we did have fun & it did kind of remind me of the old days. However its very hard to be apart of a clan that i dont speak there home tounge. I spent almost 5 years in +BDG+ and i will never regret it as i had some good & some f***ing amazing times in the clan. But i do feel the old times where we all used to meet up in the game and just play for fun are gone. it seems to be more about politics now. I preferd the days before TS and Forums and this is what im moving back too.

I have no plans to join another clan. im just happy playing on my own with any of my friends that are online.

I have only lost my +BDG+ wings and i hope not my +BDG+ friends.
Alt 27-06-2007, 14:01
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yea, it´s right, the old times are gone for sure. but the new times are coming up right now. everything is moving, everything is changing. that´s just a normal progress. the old times had to go to make the clan ready for the future.

not everyone will go with these new ways. BDG has lost some of its real old members. but there also so many new guys and there will be even more from TW joining BDG.

i did not take part in the time between the new and the old times. so mayby that´s the reason, why it´s easy for me to rejoin and just go on: because i expected many changes.

it´s your decision. i think you can come back any time. good luck with your search for the old times. cya in game
Alt 27-06-2007, 15:09
Benutzerbild von IslandMonkey
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Derk your english is better than mine
Alt 27-06-2007, 18:21
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Alt 29-06-2007, 22:13
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robin add me msn :
Alt 09-07-2007, 17:04
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I have only lost my +BDG+ wings and i hope not my +BDG+ friends.
robin, u will never lost ur BDG friends
hope we see us in tw.

gl and hf my friend


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