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Alt 16-02-2013, 17:34
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Seit heute gibt es in der Canard PC einen Exklusivbericht zu Generals 2 (C&C [F2P]).

Bilder und französische Zusammenfassung des Zusammenfassung:

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Louis-Ferdinand Sebum editor at Canard PC, shares with us his thoughts on the game He was pleasantly surprised by the game that finds the roots of Command and Conquer. It also outlines the main strengths of this new album, but also highlights a couple of things that could be a problem for the game

Here is a summary of information that is available including new information:

Resource system:
- Silver: CnC Generals like.
- Oil: build derricks on oil slicks.

Three factions:
- APA (Asian-Pacific Allance): same concept as China Generals.
- Units: cheap and plentiful.
- Building and tech: Improvements in technology centralized headquarters.

GLA: more oriented global narco-terrorism
- Units: rioters and terrorists start.
- Building and tech: weapons factory can be upgraded either toxin, either explosive.

EU high tech, like the U.S. of CnC Generals.
- Units: fragile, highly specialized, expensive.
- Buildings and tech: specialized buildings and numerous towers built to supply power to the buildings. A base that is highly consuming place.

Technical and Graphic
- Dynamically destructible buildings with interiors modeled (if HQ is taking a bad shot, you can see inside).
- Dynamic dialogues units (like Company of Heroes).
- Unfortunately still camera to the ground.

Game modes
- Skirmish.
- Multiplayer deathmatch.
- Mission coop.

- Try to avoid the pay to win.
- The game is not an MMO (not persistent in the conflict), but has a progression system.
- General unlockable by leveling or paying.
- Possibly cosmetic items to buy.
- Probably other things to unlock by playing or paying.

future Plans
- More content.
- Tiberium saga to the development, Red Alert, and even unusual universe
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