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Alt 02-08-2011, 15:23
Benutzerbild von bombspy
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Die Zukunft der 3D Engine?

Ich bin gerade über ein Video auf Youtube gestolpert, das mich vom Hocker gehauen hat. Aber seht selbst (in der 2. Hälfte wirds beeindruckend):

Ich kann zwar immernoch nicht ganz glauben, dass sowas in absehbarer Zeit mit normaler Hardware mit mehr als 5 fps dargestellt werden kann, aber als Grundlage z.B. für computergenerierte Videos könnte das echt ein Durchbruch sein, wenn man ohne extrem aufwändige Rendertechnik Videos erstellen kann, deren optische Qualität ausreicht um den Betrachter zufrieden zu stellen.

Mal sehen wie sich das weiter entwickelt...


Ich hab noch einen Infotext dazu gefunden, der das ganze plausibel erklärt
Unlimited Detail's method is very different to any 3D method that has been invented so far. The three current systems used in 3D graphics are ray tracing polygons and point clouds/voxels, they all have strengths and weaknesses. Polygons run fast but have poor geometry, ray-tracing and voxels have perfect geometry but run very slowly.

Unlimited Detail is a fourth system, which is more like a search algorithm than a 3D engine. It is best explained like this: if you had a word document and you went to the search tool and typed in a word like 'money' the search tool quickly searches for every place that word appeared in the document. Google and Bing are also search engines that go looking for things very quickly. Unlimited Detail is basically a point cloud search algorithm. We can build enormous worlds with huge numbers of points, then compress them down to be very small. The Unlimited Detail engine works out which direction the camera is facing and then searches the data to find only the points it needs to put on the screen it doesn’t touch any unneeded points, all it wants is 1024*768 (if that is our resolution) points, one for each pixel of the screen. It has a few tricky things to work out, like: what objects are closest to the camera, what objects cover each other, how big should an object be as it gets further back. But all of this is done by a new sort of method that we call "mass connected processing". Mass connected processing is where we have a way of processing masses of data at the same time and then applying the small changes to each part at the end.

The result is a perfect pure bug free 3D engine that gives Unlimited Geometry running super fast, and it's all done in software." iption.html

Geändert von bombspy (02-08-2011 um 15:35 Uhr).
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