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Alt 16-05-2008, 07:47
Benutzerbild von astis
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Neues zum Patch

Hey Leute,
ich habe gerade auf der HP von CC News zum Patch gefunden.
Apoc meint hierzu folgendes: (ich weiss man soll nicht ganze Beiträge aus andern Foren posten aber ich denke das die Infos von APOC aus der Regel fallen, ist ja was offizielles... ansonsten löscht das hier und fühlt euhc nicht auf den Slip ;-) getreten...
am going to derail from my usual silly candor here for a moment and get serious. Today is Tacitus Thursday and in the spirit of departing from the tradition of posting new media or RA3 content (as has been the case the past two weeks), I am posting what I promised last week: the official balance proposal change-list for the upcoming Kane's Wrath patch. Before you read, please know the following

--We sincerely apologize that the first patch for Kane's Wrath has delayed out this long, but rest assured we are fixing the following: KNOWN DESYNCS, previous fixed exploits from C&C 3 and the few new ones introduced in Kane's Wrath, and equally important 15-20 critical balance changes. We hope to say bye bye bye to "Mecha-spam".

--The following changes are ABSOLUTELY NOT FINAL, but will give you a sense of the direction we are trending and testing. We've researched all message C&C message boards and have watched many replays from top players to regular players. Our goal is give this game a balance injection so we can begin our second official Ladder Season on an equal playing field!

--A few months back I mistakenly posted a preemptive balance change list for C&C 3 which has since not seen the light of day. This was unfortunate and unintentional, but this time around with Kane's Wrath, I can absolutely assure you this is what we are working towards, and on right now

Kane's Wrath Patch Draft Notes

Economy Changes

Refinery cost/build time increased

Tiberium Spike initial capture award lowered significantly

All non-conyard/expansion unit structure build radius reduced significantly

Developer Commentary: The goal of these three economy changes is to ultimately make the resource curve much smoother over the course of the game

GDI Changes

Grenadier Squad: Armor vs Gun Damage increased, grenade projectile scatter slightly increased (increases effectiveness against other infantry squads)

Rig: HP increased significantly

Shatterer: Range increased, Damage increased, pre-attack delay reduced

GDI Firehawk: Firehawk's missiles no longer travel slower when the Firehawk has the Hardpoints upgrade. (Bug Fix)

ZOCOM Changes

Zocom Orca: Area of Effect radius increased

Steel Talons Changes

Titan: HP increased slightly

Nod Changes

Avatar: Commandeered Beam Cannon Upgrade's damage increased significantly

Flame Tank: HP increased

Catalyst Missile: Damage radius reduced significantly

Fanatics: Damage increased significantly

Marked of Kane Changes

Shredder Turret: Supercharged Particle Beam Upgrade damage has been decreased

Black Hand Changes

Shredder Turret: Supercharged Particle Beam Upgrade damage has been decreased

Purifying Flame: Upgrade cost/build time increased, damage bonus decreased

Scrin Changes

Mechapede: Disintegrator Segment damage/range reduced, Seeker Segment is now anti-air only and significantly increased in damage, unit cost increased

Seeker: Armor vs Cannon Damage reduced

Disintegrator: Move Speed increased, range increased slightly

Overlord’s Wrath: Lead-in time increased (Makes ability easier to attempt to avoid)

Stormrider: Armor vs Gun Damage decreased

Devastator: Damage type changed to Blast (was Cannon)

Traveler-59 Changes

Cultist: HP and ability range reduced

Advanced Articulators: Cost increased

Stormrider: Cost increased

Reaper-17 Changes

Conversion reserves fixed (Bug Fix)

We are currently working very hard on this patch for Kane's Wrath right now and will do our best to bring it to you as quickly as possible. We still have at least a couple weeks of effort, but in the meantime, keep your eyes posted here on our official site and on the message boards for updates, and what I hope will be some activities in the meantime to keep us busy. Thank you to everyone for your understanding, again, this was not a "patch situation" we intended for after releasing Kane's Wrath, but the fight must go on, and resources are on their way.
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