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Alt 10-05-2008, 18:15
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News: - Tiberium lebt noch!

Viele Infos über Tiberium gibt es ja zur Zeit nicht, aber immerhin Ein Lebenszeichen:
Zitat von ZoneRunner
But the important part is that the information comes out before the game... it's not as important that it comes out several MONTHS before the game, right? Just because the info isn't flowing now doesn't mean it won't ever be
We've got some big plans, some cool support items lined up, and I'm really excited in helping to get it all planned. What we don't want to do, however, is oversaturate by trying to flood the internet with too much stuff for too long. That just doesn't work out in the long run. People will eventually lose interest. So, we're getting a lot of great stuff together, trying to ensure that when we DO release stuff it is of the best quality, and generally planning for a strong push to launch. I don't think you guys will be disappointed

Mich würde mal das hier interessieren:
Zitat von ZoneRunner
Tiberium can't be featured on BCPT because of ESRB regulations. Tiberium is likely going to receive an "M" rating, and because of that we can't put it on the show. We discussed it, but alas, are prohibited from doing so.
Könnte dies mir einer mal verständlich machen?


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