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Alt 11-05-2007, 13:55
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geil find Änderungen Patch 1.05

so die änderungen für den patch 1.05 sind draussen
patch soll mitte mai kommen

hier die änderungen direkt von einem ea mitarbeiter

So, before you read the extensive list below, here is a reiteration of our plans surrounding patch 1.05 which we feel is going to set the landscape for Command & Conquer 3 for the coming months, WCG, the ladder, etc, etc, etc... and of course, I expect there will be many who agree and disagree, but such is life in RTS la la community land

-We are targeting the patch release for later this month and we are currently on track. Since this is such a huge patch, our QA team has mandated a much more extensive amount of testing time on it. That is the primary reason we have not put the patch live yet. As i've said before our patche go through extensive QA testing efforts, and especially one of this magnitude.

-The balance changes that are addressed in this patch are absolutely reflective of thousands of hours of testing and play, thousands of matches and generated opinions from you...the community...we listened and we made conscious choices that we feel are going to diversify the factions greatly. I ask that you please save your final judgement until you PLAY THE PATCH extensively. We had balance testers here and they all really felt it brings a new dynamic to the game. I consider our balance testers indicative of the general community player, you. Can't have everyone come in and test, but it certainly helps to get that added layer!

-The notes below do not encompass all of the technical bug fixes in this patch but they do include the primary fixes that would be most visually apparent to you.

-We just fixed the auto-map transfer issue for custom maps, that is not noted in the patch notes, but it will be included in patch 1.05. So for anyone having issues automatically transferring custom maps, this patch should fix your problem.

-We are working on a strict disconnection and cheat policy that we plan to coincide with the release of patch 1.05. We will not rest on our laurels and let these people ruin the competitive aspect of the game. Please also understand that this battle is end-less and there cannot be an expectation to 100% rid of cheaters and disconnects. We will have to adapt to survive, its true. If you look at any other RTS, MMO, or FPS game, its an on-going war, its not just here on C&C 3, its everywhere. We will crackdown and do whatever it takes to combat this in order to make our ladder and your experience as great as possible.

-We intend to start a ladder season shortly after the release of patch 1.05. Per this ladder season we are working on prizes, tournaments, etc.

-The Battlecast feature is currently undergoing A LOT of tuning. Its a new revolutionary feature and we are working to make it everything its meant to live up to. Changes and enhancements to Battlecast will also coincide with patch 1.05 and further in to June.

Alright, without further ado, here are your patch 1.05 full notes. Please do not tarnish this thread with anything less than constructive talk related to C&C 3. That would be hugely appreciated.

We will be having some interviews and so forth with the designers to coincide with the patch and our producer of patch 1.05, Greg Kasavin will be talking in this thread and other patch related threads to help answer any questions. Expect to see him on and off.

Thanks again to all those supporting our efforts,

<Fixed Exploits>

· Fixed an exploit in which players could use GDI Engineers,
Nod Saboteurs, or Scrin Assimilators to capture enemy structures
without moving the units over to those structures.

· Observers of multiplayer matches can no longer use hotkeys to
affect spectated players' production queues.

· Units affected by the Scrin Mothership's Catalyst Cannon now
lose their explosive properties if teleported via the Teleport
Units ability or the Wormhole support power.

· Scrin Mothership can no longer fire its Catalyst Cannon
through a Wormhole.

<Balance Changes>

The following balance changes are intended to enable a more-
diverse set of viable strategies for both casual and competitive
play, and to further ensure that the forces of the GDI, the
Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin are evenly matched as Tiberium
Wars rage on.

/General Balance Changes/

· Some structures on each side no longer provide Ground Control
for base expansion. These include: Power Plants, Reactors,
Tiberium Silos, Barracks, Hands of Nod, and Portals.

· Heavy infantry units' resistance to CANNON damage increased by
45%. This affects GDI's Zone Troopers and Commando, Nod's Black
Hand and Commando, and Scrin's Shock Troopers and Mastermind.
All other infantry resistance to CANNON damage increased by 25%.
This change means infantry are less vulnerable to tank shells and
similar weapons.

· Infantry armor penalty to SNIPER damage removed. This change
makes infantry slightly less vulnerable to Nod Shadow Teams in
particular; GDI Commandos and Sniper Teams, Nod Commandos, and
Scrin Buzzers are still highly lethal against enemy infantry.

· Infantry attack range bonus while garrisoned reduced by 25%.

· GDI Commando, Nod Commando, and Scrin Mastermind units can no
longer be crushed by enemy vehicles.

· CANNON weapons, such as those found on the GDI Predator Tank and
Nod Scorpion Tank, now cannot miss against moving enemy vehicles.

· GDI, Nod, and Scrin Harvesters' cost/build time increased by 40%
to 1400/14. All Harversters' speed and turn rates equalized, which
makes Scrin's Harvester slightly more maneuverable than before.

· GDI Refinery, Nod Refinery, and Scrin Extractor sale price
reduced by 70% to 300 credits.

· GDI Surveyor, Nod Emissary, and Scrin Explorer base expansion
units now all move at the same speed. Specifically, the Nod
Emissary and and Scrin Explorer move 50% more slowly to match
the GDI Surveyor.

· Repair Drones for all sides now repair vehicles that are under
attack. Limit one Drone per vehicle. Rate of repair is now
constant, rather than a percentage based on the vehicle's total
health. This means vehicles with lower maximum health will be
repaired faster.

· Standardized repair radius on all structures. As a result, the
radius on all aircraft production structures has increased.

· Re-stealth time doubled for units that do not have innate
stealth effects, such as units affected by Nod's Cloaking Field.
This means such units will take longer to regain stealth after
attacking or being detected.

· Ground Control provided by building a GDI Crane, Nod Crane, or
Scrin Foundry has been equalized. Specifically, the amount of
Ground Control gained by building a Nod Crane or Scrin Foundry
has increased by 50%.

· Tiberium Spike tech structure's income increased by 66% to 25
credits per unit of time.

· Defensive Tower tech structure's attack power increased by 60%.

· Visceroids are now punishable by crushing.

/GDI Balance Changes/

· Rifleman Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased
by 50%. Dig In ability cost reduced to 100, build time reduced
to 5, Foxhole capacity increased to two units. Foxholes no longer
eject infantry units until the Foxholes are destroyed. Dig In
ability now causes the unit to begin building a Foxhole
immediately at its location.

· Missile Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased by 100%.
Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced by 25%.

· Engineer: Speed increased by 20%.

· Grenadier Squad: Speed increased by 20%.

· Sniper Team: Speed increased by 20%. Health reduced by 50%. Rate
of fire reduced by 50%. Re-stealth time increased by 25%.

· Commando: Speed increased by 20%.

· Pitbull: Health increased by 33%. Rate of fire increased by 25%.
Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the Pitbull's
ability to fire on fast-moving aircraft.

· APC: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power vs. infantry reduced
by 25%. Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the
APC's ability to fire on fast- moving aircraft.

· Harvester: Attack power increased by 300%.

· Rig: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making the
unit more maneuverable. Battle Base Repair Drones changed to work
like all other Repair Drones.

· Mammoth Tank: Speed reduced by 7%. Attack power of rockets
reduced by 25%. Rate of fire with Railguns upgrade reduced by 35%.
Attack power with Railguns upgrade increased by 35%.

· Orca: Health increased by 50%.

· Firehawk: Now fires its missile loadout in volleys, improving
its ability to quickly damage groups of enemy aircraft.

· Ox Transport: Health increased by 70%.

· Sonic Emitter: No longer hits larger units multiple times in one
attack. Attack power per hit increased to compensate.

· Railguns: Upgrade cost increased by 66% to 5000.

· Composite Armor: Upgrade cost increased by 50% to 2000.

· Radar Scan: Support Power cost increased by 20% to 300.

· Shockwave Artillery: Support Power cost increased by 33% to
2000. Attack power reduced by 38%.

· GDI Airborne: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 1500.

· Bloodhounds: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 3000.

· Sharpshooter Team: Support Power cost increased by 40% to 3500.

· Zone Trooper Drop Pods: Support Power cost increased by 50% to

/Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes/

· Militant Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased
by 50%.

· Militant Rocket Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased
by 100%. Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced
by 25%.

· Saboteur: Speed increased by 20%.

· Shadow Team: Health reduced by 50%.

· Black Hand: Speed increased by 22%. Health increased by 66%.
Attack power increased by 150%.

· Attack Bike: 200% attack power bonus vs. aircraft has been
removed. Turret arc and turn rate increased, which allows the unit
to more-effectively attack any nearby targets while moving.
Directional armor removed, which makes the unit more resistant
to attacks from the flank and rear. Fixed an error that caused
the unit to not always fire both rockets at once, effectively
raising its attack power.

· Raider Buggy: Attack power vs. infantry reduced by 25%.

· Scorpion Tank: Attack power reduced by 20% before Laser
Capacitors upgrade.

· Flame Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 20% to 1200/12. Turret
turn rate doubled, improving the unit's ability to quickly acquire
targets. Attack power increased by 150%.

· Stealth Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 50% to 1500/15. Attack
power increased by 50%. Attack power bonus vs. aircraft reduced
by 25%.
Für Immer BVB

Verkehrsunfall in Dortmund. Ein Sch*lker liegt schwer verletzt im Krankenwagen. Plötzlich macht er die Augen auf und fragt: "Wo bringen sie mich denn hin?" - "In die Pathologie." Beschwert sich der Sch*lker: "Aber ich bin doch noch gar nicht tot!" - "Jaaaa - wir sind ja auch noch nicht da."
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