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Alt 18-08-2006, 09:49
Benutzerbild von Junker
Junker Junker ist offline
StarCraft 2 Beta Tester

Registriert seit: Jul 2001
Beiträge: 8.731
Junker ist...
Blaues Tiberium: offiziell bestätigt

Hab ich gerade auf Planet CnC gelesen:
Hey guys,

Victory has been claimed...Blue Tiberium is officially in Command & Conquer 3. I am not privy yet to disclose the exact details on how exactly it will affect your gameplay experience (because that hasn't been fully fleshed out), but, I can tell you a couple of things.

-it will be Blue
-it will play a role in your strategy and defeating your opponent
-it will likely be involved in the resource system in some capacity
-i'll give you more specifics later :-)

And yes, we took your feedback very seriously.

We're getting ready for Leipzig to showcase the first major multiplayer battle between GDI and Nod, its going to be explosive, and yes, there will be a fully featured video of it shortly after the show for those who don't make it to Germany.

With regards to Blue Tiberium, I'd like to say this was a collective decision between our designers and producers and the community feedback was a major critical factor in that decision.

Like I keep saying, you guys do have a voice. Keep it constructive and you never know, we're always listening, especially myself.

Its been a hectic crazy week getting ready for next week.

Our official site will be re-launching this weekend, the next newsletter is hitting next week Wednesday/Thursday and YOU ABSOLUTELY must sign-up for it, like every newsletter, if you want to be on the inside first, then sign up, and tell your friends to sign up to. I'm putting the final touches on the newsletter right now, so you heard it from the creator himself, you don't want to miss this.

Welcome back Blue are welcome to post thoughts and ideas


p.s. - BLUE KNIGHT!!! (only a select few will know what that means...wink wink)
Somit dürften jede Menge Konfliktpunkte wegfallen.

Verdammt, wurde aber auch Zeit.

Geändert von Junker (18-08-2006 um 09:55 Uhr).
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