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Alt 12-06-2005, 18:51
Naos Naos ist offline
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Frank Miller's Sin City

Wird mein nächster Kinobesuch, Bruce Willis in Sin City, der Film ist bestimmt saugeil. Unser geliebter Quentin Terantino wirkte hier als Co Regisseur mit!! Hauptgegisseur: ROBERT RODRIGEZ - der einigen hier auch ein Begriff sein muss!

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Skurril anmutende Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Comics "Sin City" mit Star-Besetzung.

Based on the Sin City series of comic books and graphic novels created, written, and illustrated by Frank Miller. Sin City is a series of stories of vengeance and redemption set in the grimiest, toughest city in the world. The film will incorporate storylines from three of Frank Miller's graphic novels, "Sin City," "That Yellow Bastard" "The Big Fat Kill".
Alba will star in a section opposite Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke playing Nancy, a beautiful exotic dancer known as "the sweetheart of Sin City." Gugino will play a lesbian parole officer in the film. Stahl will play the dual roles of Junior and Yellow Bastard.
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