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Alt 19-01-2005, 18:31
Benutzerbild von fadmax
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Col. Burton

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Ort: Rote Zone
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OL Nick: fadm4x
Balance Patch 1.02 changes

Here is a little teaser of SOME of the balance changes that are currently being considered for patch 1.02:

-Uruk-hai pikeman balance
-Gandalf the White timer and power issues
-Nazgul cost vs effectiveness
-Army of the Dead timer issues
-Elven sword getting proper upgrades and doing proper damage
-Saruman cost vs effectiveness
-Lurtz cost vs effectiveness
-Continued Ent issues (minor balance change in first patch to make Ents incur more damage from slash and pierce attacks, will continue analyzing for patch 1.02)

These are all subject to change, but are all very influenced by your feedback and comments. And again, this is only a teaser and a glimpse at some of the balance changes being highly considered.

Leader of the Strategy Wizard Team
Es scheint mir, als würde das Balancing erst in Patch 1.02 berücksichtigt. eigentlich sind mir die anderen Änderungen bzw. das was Versprochen wurde eh wichtiger.

Hierzu das Originaltopic auf dem offiziellen "BFME-Ladderforum" (Gamespy)! (Fand ich ebenfalls recht aufschlussreich, allerdings wie immer: Das auch unqualifizierte Comments zum Balancing abgegeben werden.) :o:
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