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Alt 10-12-2003, 15:24
Bustaholle Bustaholle ist offline

Registriert seit: Sep 2003
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IP-Attacke im Spiel = Spielabsturz

Hallo, habe es zwar noch nicht weiterverfolgt das Problem aber mit einem vernünftigen Programm, welches die IP Verbindungen anzeigt wie z.B. Outpost Firewall o.ä. ist es ja möglich zu sehen mit wenn man im Game in Verbindung ist.
>>Würde jetzt sagen als Hackerneuling das man nur noch so ne Art IP-Bomber o.ä. einsetzt und das Game oder die I-net verbindung des Gegners lahmlegt.

Auf jeden Fall kamm ich darauf als ich in einem Ami Forum diesen Bericht gelesen der dieses Thema behandelte.

Possible Zero Hour Hack

this was featured on cnc-files by our very own General Sparky.


Not sure if you can help, been having probs registering with the forum in
order to post hence why I am e-mailing you.

Tonight me and a friend played C&C Generals : Zero Hour over the net via
direct connection. Playing fine for about 3 hours when my mates is suddently
unable to control his units, then wierd messages come up under his name, but
I know it isn't him, he can still type messages and tell me he didn't type
these wierd messages. Then to top it off 'he' nukes his own base!?!?!?!

Then appears the following two messages

'woooooow that was PRETTY cooooooooooooool'


'THE JACKEL has left the building :-P'

at this point my mate has pulled his net connection out and phones me, says
there is an entry in his firewall from an intruder called 'THE JACKEL'

I was wondering if you have heard anything like this? or if you know of some
vulnerability within zero hour? What is weird is how this hacker or whatever
was able to control and 'play' in our game with my friends units! I guess
the hacker would have needed to be running Zero Hour too??!

any way, I hope you can shed some light on this, any help or info would be
gladly recieved.

It's was most annoying as me and my friend were having such an excellent
game, and this happens! completely sucks!

Hope to hear from you soon.



has anybody else had a similar experience to this? it could be some kind of practical joke, but i thought you all better see it.
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