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Alt 08-07-2008, 20:10
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Post Patch Notes von Apoc

Vor ein paar Minuten hat Apoc auf dem offiziellen Forum gepostet.
Der Patch ist noch nicht da (auch wenn auf der deutschen Site von EA schon ein (nicht funktionierender) Link zu sehen ist.
Dies sagt Apoc:

I am going to keep this short because it seems no matter what we post, there isn't much other than the obvious which illicits a warm positive reception or a basic understanding. Our GM Mike Verdu posted an incredibly honest and forthright message which you won't find hardly anyone else in the industry come forward as such.

The patch is not live yet, but we have been approved by our ECG team as of this morning. Now we just need approval from our CQC team which is the North American version of ECG. Once CQC sign's off, we can then begin the process of uploading our patch to the servers. Again, these two departments are responsible for giving us final-sign-off before we can release the patch. These two departments each found an issue last week and the week before which forced us to resubmit and delay the patch as I explained last week. I understand the anger and frustration in the delays, and we agree this is long overdue since release, but...

While this is unfortunate, again, its our duty and responsibility to release as clean a patch as possible, no matter what the circumstance or urgency is. Otherwise, we'll be in an even worse situation.

I will let you know when the patch is live, I am not going to say today or tomorrow or making any further promise, but given the above, we're extremely close right now, lest CQC should find another emergency issue. That doesn't look likely, but I said that twice in the past two weeks and look where it got me? =)


Zusammengefasst: Die erste Kontrollinstanz hat den Patch mittlerweile freigegeben. Nun geht er noch durch eine 2. Instanz und wenn auch die grünes Licht gibt erscheint der Patch.
Apoc wird uns auf dem laufenden halten

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