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Alt 20-05-2010, 04:29
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Post Community Manager APOC verlässt EA

In einer Rundmail gab heute Aaron "APOC" Kaufman seinen Rückzug als C&C Community Manager bekannt. Er war für rund sechs Jahre das Sprachrohr der Fans bei den Entwicklern in EALA tätig und hat sich für diesen Schritt freiwillig entschieden. Seinen langen Abschiedsbrief ist im offiziellen Forum zu finden; hier ein Auszug:

I’ve been your C&C Community Manager for over 6 years, especially if you consider my days with the BFME franchise. I was brought in to EA as a contract marketing assistant on BFME1 back in February 2004, and soon found myself building the BFME community (I guess that was my destiny!). About 1 year in almost to the day, shortly after BFME1 shipped, the torch of being the official C&C CM was bestowed upon me by the dev team (from one great legendary Delphi), that was February 2005. And today, almost 6 years later, I sit here in front of my computer screen, still your official C&C Community Manager for one last moment, as honored and humbled as ever to have kept this role for so long. It’s become an extreme passion, a “second life”, and a place I know I can always find some of my closest friends. You guys have truly been my 2nd family, and you guys are the reason this C&C franchise has lived on for 15 years strong and will continue, Commander!

Als Nachfolger wird Per "Goodman" Bonomi die Stelle übernehmen.

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