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Alt 29-06-2007, 12:36
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LordMordred LordMordred ist offline

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Apoc meldet sich mit Neuigkeiten über Patch 1.06 zurück

Zitat von Apoc
Patch 1.06 is currently in QA and is "locked". This means we are not adding any content to it currently. Anything else will go to 1.07.

The patch will certainly not be out next week because of the 4th of July holiday.

However, we are not sending this patch through the normal approval process because of its small size and "immediate need" (i.e. hot fix). Its primary intent is to fix this exploit and further enhance disconnect tracking so that we can better track and eliminate disconnectors with our policy.

I do not want to commit to a date or week for the patch, but the fact that only QA needs to approve it bodes well for getting it out as fast as possible after next week. QA has not found anything significantly wrong with it currently either in testing thus far, but as things always go, we are double checking our bases.

Its unfortunate the 4th of July falls right in the middle of the week on Wednesday but we didn't decide the date calendar hundreds of years ago. I guess someone predicted 500 years ago this would happen eh? ;o)

It's just that time of the holiday summer, can't get around it.


Also die ersten Versprechen zum Patch direkt nach dem Urlaub, warten wir mal ab und hoffen das beste
Apoc hat im Verlauf den Threads noch mehr geschrieben. Das Original findet ihr auf dem offiziellen Forum.
Ich habe die Posts aber mal rausgesucht und auf CommNews gepostet. Die Übersetzung der einzelnen Posts kann aber ein bisschen dauern. Ist aber dann auch auf CommNews in dem Artikel zu finden.


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