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Alt 24-04-2001, 18:34
Doc Doc ist offline

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Wie wahrscheinlich schon viele - besonders die Veteranen hier unter euch - schon gemerkt haben, ist gerade dabei völlig zu zerfallen. Die Staffmembers haben teilweise doch Recht, und da es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis die News von der Seite verschwinden poste ich sie mal hier.

I have to post again - 1:42 PM GMT Unrelated News
I was just thinking to myself. Who impacted me the most when I was part of this once C&C Community. You know that would be 3 people that I can thinking of. Steve Childs for his work and effort to make one of the best C&C game editors around. Working for you him learn lots of respect for that guy he really rules. He worked his ass off night and day basically to make editors for you guys. Who really toke the time to say thanks Steve Childs for the good work. Westwood never appreciated anything we did. I have no idea why we still did it maybe it was because we cared who knows. Olaf for your work and effor SunEdit 2k would never be what it is today. Hehe I remember way back when I first meet you. You have helped out a lot around here. I am glad to see you going strong Olaf. You have many talents and many skillz. Funny how westwood doesn't see any of this in us. Matze good work on your map editors. That to was one of the best things that ever happened. You 3 guys really got a lot of work done. More than I can say for myself. Fellow [lp]'s I have never been so grateful to post at one site before. I can relate to you guys in just about everything. Mike (Warmaker) You did something wonderful for me too you gave me a home lp I mainly left because I can't handle keeping up with westwood hell I can't even figure out what is wrong with my computer thou I have an idea now. Since Steve Childs left there really hasn't been much for me to do anymore but Steve Childs you where the best impact on my life thanks man. You will never be forgo by me at least. I would name all the p1mps separate but nah that would be wasting my time for the simple fact that I appreciate all you guys to, but Mark he does get a little bitchy

Hmmm - 6:08 AM GMT Unrelated News
Ok, for those of you who know me, I am alive... always have been. For those of you who don't know me, that's good we shall keep it that way. Oh man, I can remember the first time I was a part of this community, it rocked. I can still remember all the people. Most of that I was close to moved to l337 p1mps. I am sorry, but when they came out with Tiberian Sun, that was the downfall. To all the newbies: you guys need to quit being so lame. This used to be fun, we used to love posting. When you grow up you move on to bigger things; like working more hours so you can make money and get things you want, like this kick ass comp I built. That reminds me some info for you newbies: don't remove the AMD back cover for slot A type AMDs with thermal paste on it. That shorts out the chip and fries a 227 dollar CPU like I did. There are better games out there, with better graphics and better gameplay. I don't feel like flaming right now, because I am tired. I just want to say this. The only people that mean anything to me anymore is the p1mps, all of you I am too tired to list all of you, but I love you guys. To the sexy netta that I love and adore so much *mwah* Yeah it is amazing how fast your grow up and move on to bigger and better things. Mainly working meeting that special girl and playing advanced games. Well I have nothing else to say I don't feel much hate because I stayed away from the community for such a long time, but if I think of it while sleeping I am sure to let you know. Sorry to disappoint you guys but Steve did enough for me, thanks Steve (Shinano)
Oh btw I put in my resignation also.

Gone without a trace - 5:42 AM GMT Unrelated News
It really has been a long time since I last posted here, partly because I wasn't given a new password, just like no ftp or email details were given to mostly anyone else, but lets forget that now shall we.

I won't take long, as I already posted my unofficial resignation on CNCNZ. When I first became interested in Tiberian Sun, long ago, one site stood out as the best (in my opinion). This one.

In the time I've been in the community I've worked with some really great people, and also some really bad people. I'm afraid Tiberiumsun.Com is just no longer what it used to be.

This is goodbye from me.

The Final Nail In The Coffin - 2:05 AM GMT Site News
I wish that I didn’t have to be writing this but the fact of the matter is I really don’t have much choice. I am not going to boast about how long I have been in the community but to be truthful I have been around a lot longer than many think its just that I have worked at very small sites. After countless e-mails to members of TumSun with no reply (I later found out it was because there e-mail’s weren’t working) I eventually found Mark (TheShadow) in a chatroom and got a job. Now this may sound incredibly sentimental but I had always wanted to work at TumSun and this meant a lot to me. After the first few weeks I soon started to realise that all was not as it seemed as staff communication was at a minimal and days would go past with hearing nothing. It soon became apparent that the once ‘mighty’ TumSun was no longer quite as big as it used to be. The new site, which was nearing completion, looked good but several problems blocked its path and so it never went live. Not so long after this DV quit (and while I have this chance all the best of luck for the future DV) and then after this Mark quit (good luck to you as well Mark).
I haven’t got a lot against Felix to be honest because I haven’t spoken to him that many times. If what others have said is true then there have clearly been some problems but it would be unfair and unjust of me to make my own comments on them, as I haven’t had first hand experience of them. As for the community, I could say a lot but I will just say this: The problems in the community with so called ‘lamers’ and ‘newbies’ do exist but they aren’t the only reason. If I am to be honest the problems in the community aren’t created by one single problem but by many and you will have heard it all before in other places so I won’t ramble on. The last point that I think I should mention is the forums here at TumSun. The problems with the forums in my view weren’t so much the people in them it was the fact that they were so loosely connected to TumSun and also that they were introduced only very recently when all the problems were starting to appear.

During my time here I have met and worked with some great people (I won’t make a list as it would be too long) and even though I came in very late in TumSun’s history I still had a great time. So I suppose all that is left for me to do is to say that I resign from my positions as Staff Manager and News Editor and from the site entirely. I hope to stay around in the community and so until I see you again…..

Bye For Now

For whom the bell doesn't give a shit... - 1:31 AM GMT Site News
Yes, I too am resigning. Why? We'll get into that. Firstly, I'd like to apologize for pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, even keeping people I know well in the dark. this was necessary to make sure we could get things done here right. I've taken down all intellectual property that belongs to members of the staff that do not wish it to exist here anymore. Secondly, I needed admin access to make sure this post wasn't immediately deleted. It will be shortly anyways, but at least it's going to be mirrored on some other sites. And, not to sound self-righteous, but some people in this community need to have this message drilled into their head a few more times.

Now why am I (and other people) quitting? Well, I can only speak for myself here, but this site, and indeed this community, are only a shadow of their former selves. Just look at this situation. I need ftp access to be even a marginal webmaster. How long did it take me to get it? 4 days. I have to give myself newspro admin access, because no one else gives it to me. I have an army of dead staff who, just like me, don't want to work here or just don't plain exist anymore. I'm sure there will be a few more willing slaves, but for the life of me, I can't find them. I sent out a staff request, know how many replies I got? 7. Now I was planning to quit all the while, but goddamn that's harsh. It really reinforces that this site is dead. Why? Well, I can attribute that to a couple of things. Firstly, the other staff, like myself is starting to outgrow the community. I've asked myself what I was doing here many times. We'll examine that in detail a little later. Next, our venerable webmaster, Felix. As illustrated by the above example, he's not exactly dedicated to the site. Not to say he doesn't like it. Hell, he gets profit with zero wages to workers. A manager's dream. Now, I'm not in it for the money or anything here. Not many people are. There are much better places to make money than the CCU. But there's a fine line between volunteering your time to a webmaster who works with you and one who just has you work while he reaps the profits. Well, pardon my french to the twelve year olds in the audience, but fuck that. As this is one of the last monoliths of the CCU, I'm sure not many other news updaters who read this are in the same position, but you can sympathize. Basically, this site is done. Don't bother reading this site any longer (unless you want to catch more resignation posts from the other staffers, some of which will be quite good I hear). If Felix tries to resurrect it, just ignore him.

I wish I could say this site is merely a bad egg in the group. Sadly it's not. In fact even dead it's still worth more than a majority of the sites in this community. They are so worthless and redundant. Then again, the ADD-afflicted target audience needs things hammered in a few times before it sinks in, I guess. I'd call them immature twelve year olds, but that would be an insult to twelve year olds everywhere. I'm not saying everyone is, even some of the "newbies" are pretty cool guys, but ever since RA2 came out there has definitely been something rotten here. I wish I could offer words of hope or advice to remedy the situation, like many others have, but I don't really think the problem can be solved unless Westwood gets off their ass and starts changing. That's the only way there will be progress. Unfortunately, marketing tells us the best way to succeed is by appealing to the lowest common denominator, so that idea's stillborn. Basically immaturity and basic lameness will prevail. Oops my link slipped... Oh damn, it slipped again. Ha ha, don’t worry Maniac, you’ve won, what can possibly go wrong?
People here talk about the 'power' they have in the CCU. Big deal. What does this power bring them? Nothing. At the most they can make some money off banners and other things. Oh no, you can get ops on some irc channel. I'm fucking scared. My advice to other news updaters, aspiring webmasters, etc. Find a new community. Abandon this one. Don't waste your talent here, head to a new community, a thriving one. I only regret I didn't sooner. Better yet, don't join a new community at all. Go outside. Do... stuff. Do anything. If joining a web community appeals to you, good. By all means, join one. It can be a really great thing. But don't forget to try other things. The CCU is definitely not the pinnacle of human existence, as some people seem to forget.

Now perhaps that’s rather harsh. There are still some decent sites here, and the C&C series is still a fun set of games to play once in a while. If you’re really into this community, stay here. I’ll just leave it at this. It’s a big world. Hell it’s a big internet, tons of other places to go. If this is your niche, so be it, but be open to other options.
I know, you're sitting there in your chair, maybe with some anime pictures on your wall (I see you randy!), drinking some soda, printing out pr0n pictures whilst hoping your mom doesn't catch you, saying to yourself, "listen to this bitter bastard, WW and the CCU are the best thing since jpeg files." See, you'd think that, but you'd be wrong. If you don't listen to me, listen to the other people who have quit this community, I think you'd find the immaturity of the CCU and WW to be one of the primary reasons they left. That, and of course, they don't get paid. That sounds selfish, but remember a lot of us are going into college now, and we need the money. Plus we don’t have the time to maintain a demanding hobby like a fan website.

Hmm... I intended this rant to be more light-hearted. It came off so heavy-handed. I might as well close it out, it can't be salvaged now. You can look for more exciting staff resignations soon, as I'm guessing there will be more. If you happen to find something here offensive (don’t click on that, I’m warning you), you can either email me, or cram it up your ass, depending on whether you have something constructive to say. You can, of course, also find me on [-lp-] (a collection of CCU escapees mostly) from time to time. I will of course be bumming around other websites from time to time. Good luck.

Was hält ihr davon? Es ist eine der Seiten, die quasi in der Geburtsstunde der TS-Community entstanden sind, die ihre Pforten schließt.

Weiters muß ich ihnen auch zustimmen, daß jede Menge Newbies in letzter Zeit hinzukommen - was nicht schlecht ist. Aber die Community ist langsam wirklich am Zerfallen, weil von WS eigentlich schon lange nichts wirklich Gutes mehr gekommen ist. RA2 gefällt mir, wie ihr wisst, nicht besonders - das ist auch der Grund, warum ich nur TS/FS spiele. Ich hoffe mal, daß WS in Emperor neue Ideen einbringt, und natürlich, daß diese und noch bessere Ideen in Tiberian Twilight Verwendung finden werden. Und Renegade wird dem C&C-Universum hoffentlich auch wieder neue Impulse geben.

Was hält ihr von dem ganzen?

[Editiert von Doc am 24-04-2001 um 18:36]
We have killed, and will kill again to defend our destiny. We believe the ends will justify the means.

Sie schreien nach uns um Hilfe, wenn ihnen das Wasser in das Maul rinnt,
und wünschen uns vom Hals, kaum als einen Augenblick dasselbige verschwunden.

- Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, 1704
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Alt 24-04-2001, 22:37
Baboon201 Baboon201 ist offline
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Ja das denke ich auch.Ra2 hatte nicht die Atmosphäre wie TS/FS und auch nicht wie Ra.
Irendwie wurde das Game ins lächerliche gezogen;Aligatoren,Affen,Eisbären,die Geschichte mit Yuri...

In Ra waren die Charaktäre überzeugender.Stalin,der Allierte General.In Ra2 :dead:
Oder die Dialoge:"Ich bin nicht ihre kleine Kuschelmaus Mr. Präsident".
Soll das ein Witz sein.Ich will das alte C&C Feeling wieder.
Stundenlange kämpfe über Internet,die noch wirklich spass machen.Obwohl TS/FS und Ra schlecht balanciert waren,waren das Meisterwerke in der Geschichte der Echtzeitstrategie.
Ich hoffe das kommt mit Dune Emperor wiieder!!!

Sei Herr über Dich selbst, so wirst Du es auch über andere Spinner sein
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Alt 25-04-2001, 00:04
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devil devil ist offline

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ich fands ganz lustig es war mal was anderes nich immer diese schönde einheits gezedere
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Alt 25-04-2001, 14:19
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Sven Sven ist offline

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Ich finde es traurig das es passieren wird.... aber es ist der Lauf der Dinge.
Alles fängt irgendwo an und endet auch wieder, so auch Community Sites.
Was ich nicht ganz verstehe (und als Deutscher wohl auch nicht nachvollziehen kann) sind die Klagen über den schlechten Zusammenhalt in der Community und das früher alles besser war.

Insgesamt sieht es für micht nämlich nicht so aus als habe die Community ein Problem.... eher sind das was da in den Postings steht interne Querelen.
Wir sind im Augenblick dabei, zu prüfen, ob es im öffentlichen Interesse liegt, ihnen mitzuteilen, ob wir die Informationen haben, die Sie erbitten, und ob es, sollte das der Fall sein, im öffentlichen Interesse liegt, Ihnen diese Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen.
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Alt 25-04-2001, 15:06
Doc Doc ist offline

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Ich denke auch, daß es besonders die US-Community betrifft. In der deutschen Community läuft eigentlich alles wunderbar. Die 'Neuen' gliedern sich schön ein, es gibt - meist - keine Flames, als eigentlich ziemlich schön.
Wies aussieht, haben die in Amiland gröbere Probleme.
We have killed, and will kill again to defend our destiny. We believe the ends will justify the means.

Sie schreien nach uns um Hilfe, wenn ihnen das Wasser in das Maul rinnt,
und wünschen uns vom Hals, kaum als einen Augenblick dasselbige verschwunden.

- Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, 1704
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