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Alt 21-08-2004, 00:36
DanDeGr8 DanDeGr8 ist offline

Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Ort: United kingdom
Beiträge: 1
DanDeGr8 hat noch keine Bewertung oder ist auf 0
DanDeGr8 eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
OL Nick: DeSoL8DaN
1. i want to join the clan because it contains good players. It has no cheaters and will become the best clan EVER! Some of my longtime friends like Rene are also in the clan. +BDG+ 4 ever!!

2. I accept ALL rules of the clan!

3. I have played Ra2 Yuri for over 2 years and Ra2 and RA for over 3 years!

4. My hobbies are playing soccer and playing on the computer. I love excersising and keeping fit.

5. I am 18 years old :usa:

6. My real name is Dan Brown

7. My previous/EX clans are as follows:

Now im Sure Your Happy im On Your Team!