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Alt 22-02-2004, 01:05
Benutzerbild von Chrissyx
Chrissyx Chrissyx ist offline

Registriert seit: Sep 2002
Ort: Western Woods
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OL Nick: Chrissyx
Style: CnCForen Standard Style: Standard
Nicht verzagen, Chrissyx fragen!
Hier ist der Originaltext von TBO:

(?) Times

Fire and riots are written on pages of life
Armies of hatred that no longer have civil rights

Yeah I
I live off the feeding of lies
Oh and I
I live (?) times

Oh can't you hold a candle in
the wind and see that times are changing
Run to the churches, exorcise all of the brothers
Holy hostage church bound to the Mother

Yeah I
Corrupted and ravaged her mind
Oh and I
I live (?) times

Yes, I do

Oh can't you hold a candle in
the wind and see that times are changing

I did my time but nothing came easy
I guess I wasted my time
I'll live my life just a little bit fuller before I die

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