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Alt 11-07-2003, 22:29
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FiX FiX ist offline
Tanyas Butler

Registriert seit: Jan 2005
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 334
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Und wieder kommt ne Woche drauf

Internal approval organization, sogar mal ne ganz neue Ausrede.

Dear C&C Generals players,

Just a quick note. We've had to make a couple fixes to 1.6 but we are scheduled to submit to our internal approval organization this coming Monday. All looks good for this which would put the release of 1.6 sometime next week.

Sorry for the delay but we've got to get it right. There should be no issue that would delay if further.

Harvard Bonin
Command & Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts
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There can be no triumph without loss, no victory without suffering, and no freedom without sacrifice.