Schonmal danke, das war ne riesen Hilfe, Frage 3 habe ich dank der offiziellen Maps schonmal komplett gelöst:
Das Geheimnis sind Sequential Scripts.
Beispiel Script:
*** IF ***
One unit from Team 'StartingInf' enters area 'BridgeAttackArea' (Surfaces Allowed: Ground).
*** OR ***
One unit from Team 'teamPlayer' enters area 'BridgeAttackArea' (Surfaces Allowed: Ground).
*** THEN ***
Spawn Unit 'BattleMaster1' of type 'ChinaTankBattleMaster' on Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' at waypoint Waypoint 'ExtraTank1'
Spawn Unit 'BattleMaster2' of type 'ChinaTankBattleMaster' on Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' at waypoint Waypoint 'ExtraTank2'
Spawn Unit 'BattleMaster3' of type 'ChinaTankBattleMaster' on Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' at waypoint Waypoint 'ExtraTank3'
Spawn Unit 'BattleMaster4' of type 'ChinaTankBattleMaster' on Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' at waypoint Waypoint 'ExtraTank4'
Spawn Unit 'BattleMaster5' of type 'ChinaTankBattleMaster' on Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' at waypoint Waypoint 'ExtraTank5'
Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' executes Script 'ExtraTanks_Sequential' sequentially.
Und dann das Sequential Script als Subroutine:
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
Control of Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' transfers to Player 'Player'
Have Team 'teamExtraTanksPlayer' follow Waypoint Path 'ExtraTanksPath' , as a team is TRUE
Team 'ExtraTanks' begins hunting.