13-05-2016, 15:35
Registriert seit: Dec 2000
Ort: Neuss
Beiträge: 37.842
OL Nick: xysvenxy
Style: cncboard
Neuer Patch:
(Player Request): Added a command bar in lower left which shows selected units. Can be hidden or unhidden, and units can be selected from within the group by selecting the sub-group.
(Player Request): Players can send money to friends playing on the same team. Can use the button in the upper right corner to bring up a special UI for this, or just click any allied unit or structure and click the “Insert” key.
(Player Request): Players can now ping the map with offensive and defensive pings. Default hotkeys for this are Alt-G and Ctrl-Alt-G, but we are looking to set these to something else in the future.
All player names are now shown in the upper right corner (used to be just players with nukes). Can be turned on/off/minimized by hitting the F5 key.
Added social buttons for Facebook and Twitter.
Co-Op campaign mission 1 and 2 difficulty were adjusted to make them more reasonable (especially for the first two co-op missions!)
All Co-Op campaign missions: AI no longer attempts to kite making it easier for players to use harvesters to crush AI infantry easier.
Added support for local player crate effects with HUD voice notifications.
Experimental audio fix for ASUS Xonar shutdown audio issues.
Changed video default to borderless fullscreen windowed. This will solve problems for some new players. This affects everyone, so just adjust back to your previous settings if you prefer.
Added check for "Enter" press while in the password entry dialog.
When hosting while logged into GOG, the hostname field now shows the proper GOG name not the computer name.
Fix for unpowered turret animations playing when not supposed to.
Added additional error messages for when joining a custom match fails.
Better handling of unicode player names.
Fix for nuke timer display showing correctly after a loaded save game.
Fix for unit production time being cut when transferring production between factories while unpowered.
Updated faction UI colors to be more legible in chat interface.
Außerdem kommt heute, wenn sie nicht schon freigeschaltet wurde, eine Demo raus. Diese enthält das Tutorial und die ersten 4 Missionen.
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