Zitat von Dark Warrior
Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil!
Ich hoffe der Patch kommt bald (10 years later...)... 
danke hab ich garnicht gesehen!
ist jetzt gut brauchen uns ja nicht zu streiten! einfach weiter machen

aber du hattest recht ich meinte die übersetzung von dem text von RedBasti:
Hey everyone,
I see it's getting a little crazy here, quite a bit of anticipation for the patch I can tell, I am not surprised, my blood is boiling over as well. I want to get this off our hot hands and in to yours pronto.ation
We've made a late-night decision to start our official Ladder Season 2 on Thursday at Noon to better coincide with the patch release for Kane's Wrath, it makes most sense. Right now the patch is in the last approval stage and just awaiting the final greenlight. That did not happen today and will not happen tomorrow but we're planning on a world-wide fireworks celebration by the 4th of July this Friday for the patch celebration, i've invested millions of dollars and hours of time for this big fireworks celebration, so I personally am highly invested in our release this week as you can tell =) Unless I want to lose millions, i'm counting on it as much as you are.