07-06-2007, 09:08
Registriert seit: May 2001
Ort: Heimat der Hülsenfrüchte
Beiträge: 7.889
OL Nick: LoMordred
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Zitat von apoc
Hey guys,
We've been approved by all the right people, agencies, aliens, organizations, you name it, we're approved, patch 1.05 is good to go and will be deploying live tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled, we'll keep you posted once its officially on all the servers.
I'll have more info once the patch is live on everything else including the ladder reset and what that will mean.
Please note, it is likely the ladder will not reset until Friday, but we'll be sure to let you know what to expect.
Thanks again for your undying patience, believe us, its extremely appreciated and we have some great plans going forward for future patches, the MOD SDK, ladder seasons, tournaments, etc.
This is a new beginning for Command & Conquer 3 no matter how you slice and dice it. The patch should really enhance a lot of balance, technical, and aesthetic aspects of the game.
And don't forget the 4 new multiplayer maps and alternate mouse setup!
"Ich kann freilich nicht sagen, ob es besser werden wird, wenn es anders wird; aber soviel kann ich sagen: es muß anders werden, wenn es gut werden soll."(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg *1742 †1799)
"Demokratie ist die Notwendigkeit, sich gelegentlich den Ansichten anderer Leute zu beugen." (Winston Churchill *1874 †1965)
"Zwei Monologe, die sich gegenseitig immer und immer wieder störend unterbrechen, nennt man eine Diskussion." (Charles Tschopp *1899 †1982)