28-07-2006, 10:06
Registriert seit: Jul 2001
Beiträge: 90
Style: Nod
Danke fuer deine Ausfuehrung
Das hier hat der Student geschrieben dazu, kannst du damit etwas anfangen?
As a Caltech Student, I know that this is absolutely crazy, for several reasons, which are listed below:
1. If atomic nucleii were smashed to pieces, that would imply that the protons and neutrons were freed completely. If this is done to elements of greater than iron atomic weight, it implies that an extreme amount of energy is released. If so, Tiberium is the most phenomenal energy containment device in existance. Who cares about plasma or rockets? Tiberium makes even nuclear weaponry look obselete. Only Tiberium could absorb Tiberium rounds. And one may forget about harvesting Tiberium, as the energies presumably released would destroy the refinery - and the base it is attached to. [[1]]
2. The particles supposedly have high mass and energy, but whomever wrote this is thinking in the wrong terms. It is true that high energy particles might collide and bounce off the target nucleii, but nucleii are never smashed. What happens in a particle accelerator incident is that targets are bombarded with high energy particles, which causes radioactive decay. [[2]] - See high energy physics, and notice that the high energy beams actually only produce radioactive isotopes, they don't smash things to pieces.
3. The captured protons and neutrons flying out in every direction would be equivalent to low energy (I hope low energy) cosmic rays, equivalent to some of what's produced in a particle accelerator. Only the Mammoth Tank and the Titan (with its raised crew compartment), would have a chance of getting their crew through alive. [[3]]
4. Smashing iron and other low mass elements down to their protons and neutrons requires an extreme amount of energy - yet Tiberium seems to absorb organic material (primarily composed of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen), with no ill effects or tempering of the Tiberium. [[4]] (Note that it takes gamma rays to decompose things.
5. This contradicts known information, such as the 'roots' of Tiberium.
6. Fission is normally started with a neutron. A muon, which would have the net effect of converting one proton into a neutron, might do the job, admittedly, but no where has it been explained why a muon would be produced. In fact, Tiberium CANNOT generate muons (which are 207 times as heavy as electrons, and negatively charged), without violating conservation of charge. [[5]]
7. The Tauon (or Tau Lepton), is similarly negatively charged, and faces the same trouble as the Muon. [[6]]
For both 6 and 7, [[7]]
8. There's no way alpha, beta, and gamma rays would be randomly produced. If the description is to be believed, then atoms are actually smashed, in which case, all of the electrons go flying out as beta rays, but since no two protons or neutrons are together, there is no alpha and beta decay. It would not surprise me if a ton of gamma rays were also involved, given the extreme nuclear binding energies involved.
9. Alpha and Beta rays correspond to Helium nucleii and free electrons, respectively. They are not electromagnetic radiation of any form.
10. Removing neutrons and protons might not change the substance completely. If it had the same amount of electrons, then the previous and afterward incarnations of the substance would behave similarly (in the way that F- is similar to Ne).
Geändert von agaiz (28-07-2006 um 14:22 Uhr).