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Alt 15-04-2006, 07:15
Benutzerbild von Moltke
Moltke Moltke ist offline

Registriert seit: Aug 2001
Ort: Preussen
Beiträge: 1.184
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NAME: Swizzor
ALIAS: TrojanDownloader.Win32.Swizzor, TrojanDownloader.Win32.Swizzor.b

The TrojanDownloader.Win32.Swizzor.b is a small program that can come to a user's system when he or she is browsing the WEB. The program downloads and installs a LOP.COM-related plugin that acts as a spyware/adware and provides customized search capabilities.

As downloading and installation happens without a notification to a user and user's approval, we added detection for the downloader as a trojan.

To remove the downloader it's enough to delete its file from a hard drive.

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