Ich hab auch mal ein paar Namen gecheckt:
P.J. = Positronic Judge
A.Z.R.A.E.L. = Artificial Zeta Repair and Accurate Exploration Lifeform
S.C.O.R.P.I.O. = Synthetic Cybernetic Organism Responsible for Potential Infiltration and Observation
S.H.A.D.E. = Synthetic Hydraulic Android Designed for Exploration
T.A.R.K.I.N. = Transforming Android Responsible for Killing and Intensive Nullification
G.R.Y.P.H.O.N. = General Robotic Youth Programmed for Hazardous Observation and Nullification
Das wars fürs erste.
<FONT COLOR="red">Psycho Joker</FONT c>
The Brotherhood Online
<FONT size="2">
We do not come in Peace.
We come ahead of Peace.
Peace travels with strength!
</FONT s>
<FONT COLOR="red">Nod - one Brotherhood, one mind, one purpose, one world at a time.</FONT c>