A blonde wanted to go ice fishing, so after getting all of the right "tools" she headed toward the nearest frozen lake. After getting comfy on her stool she started to cut a circular hole in the ice. Then from the heavens a voice boomed, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE."
Startled, the blonde moved further down the ice, poured a thermos of hot chocolate and started to cut yet another hole in the ice. The voice boomed, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE."
This time quite scared, the blonde moved to the far end of the ice. Then she started another hole and once again the voice said, "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE."
The very scared blonde raised her head and said, "Is that you, Lord?"
The voice answered, "NO. IT IS THE MANAGER OF THE ICE RINK."
 | Von allen Dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
hab ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen |  |
El diablo sabe m'as por viejo que por diablo. - The devil knows more because he is old than because he is the devil.
Ich mag übersetzte Fehlermeldungen: Es ist kein Weltraum links auf dem Gerät.