CnC Foren

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lechilka26 28-08-2006 08:43

Excuse me for offtop, it too funny, haha! :)Why it is good to be a man?1. Your ass is never a factor in a job interview.2. Your orgasms are real. Always.3. Your last name stays put.4. The garage is all yours.5. Wedding plans take care of themselves.6. You never feel compelled to stop a friend from getting laid.7. Car mechanics tell you the truth.8. You don't give a rat's ass if someone notices your new haircut.9. Hot wax never comes near your pubic area.10. Same work .. more pay.11. Wrinkles-add character.12. You don't have to leave the room to make emergency crotch adjustments.13. Wedding Dress $2000; Tux rental $100****************************************************

Ab dem ersten Werbelink
Text und alle Werbelinks entfernt

gersultan 28-08-2006 09:45

ja... wirklich arg lustig... besonders die Farbe :rolleyes:

:gelb:, :lock: und :chron:

777 04-09-2006 13:00


tramq0193 09-09-2006 19:36

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XBinYaYa 18-09-2006 10:58

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LordMordred 18-09-2006 11:05

Read the Boardrules. :rot: You are out!

ForexMan 19-09-2006 04:11

A Short Introduction To FOREX
FOREX is the world’s largest and most liquid trading market. Many consider FOREX as the good home business you can ever venture in. Even though regular people have had the chance to take part in trading foreign currencies for profit. Even though it has been somewhat of a loosely guarded secret, every day more and more investors are turning to the all-electronic world of FOREX trading for profit and profit because of its numerous benefits & advantages over longstanding trading vehicles, like funds, bonds and commodities. But, still, if when something seems new or is just becoming a part of social conversation, news articles, and water cooler gossip, misconceptions have to be overcome, the mind has to be open and the slate has to be clear for starting out new with the CORRECT data. So, in
this clause, it is my effort to give you some solid, but not over-detailed, data on just what the heck "FX" (FOREX) means, what it is, and why it exists. As a prosperous trader said, Trading FOREX is like picking money up off the floor. Not trading FOREX is like leaving it there for someone else to pick up." Others in the industry have also said, Trading FOREX is free home ATM machine.
Forex portal including market commentary and analysis, broker references, and news:


Thgirpo 19-09-2006 08:23

Online Casino List, Black Jack Online Tournaments, great bonuses...

Merlin 19-09-2006 08:56

ich bin dafür solche Threads zu löschen und nicht ins Trash zu verschieben!

ps.: mein Beitrag kann auch ruhig gelöscht werden ;)

LordMordred 19-09-2006 09:01

No commercial advertising!

LordMordred 19-09-2006 09:06

No advertising

In den Trash passt aber am besten

BunnyTu2006 20-09-2006 17:01

I'm think that's right
war nix wichtiges ....

CreditMan 23-09-2006 12:40

Free Credit Card
... nix wichtiges

abalysan 25-09-2006 07:26

Hot News
gänzlich unwichtig

ForexGirls 26-09-2006 13:37

Free Forex Currency news

Blöde Werbung

Bigeloww 08-10-2006 13:22

Dollar is going to rise!
nichts wichtiges

Hairstyle 21-10-2006 17:17

What is with that hair style?
Whos wearing short hair v/s long hair or whats your xxx your wearing now?__________________"I'll have to walk a thousand miles just to find the ground deserving of your feet." ~ Saves The Day

TheBest-Host 21-10-2006 22:57

Web Hosting

funnyjokar1 27-10-2006 15:14

Offtopic: Funniest Joke!

KaytiSweet 04-11-2006 11:09

Simple Joke about world 9
Thousands at Irwin memorial event More than 5,000 people attend a colourful memorial service for Australian TV naturalist Steve Irwin.

bbman 04-11-2006 13:24

Ich fürchte, wir haben Spambots...

Orca 04-11-2006 14:01


Zitat von bbman
Ich fürchte, wir haben Spambots...

Das fürchte ich auch.Mal sehen wie viele es sind.

gersultan 04-11-2006 14:13

na dann hauen wir das mal in den Trash ^^ ... achja und ein :rot: für den "Bot" ... wenn falsch: => email an den Webmaster :)


n0fakes 05-11-2006 00:31

banks, stock, pay day


PrimaPlusN 07-11-2006 13:47


Promotiona 07-11-2006 19:21

Advertisement PROGRAM - download!!!
Please, give me link to any Promotion PROGRAM - wanna to download!!!

Thank you!

Shady 07-11-2006 19:59

Wtf? ?

KilkaSerko 08-11-2006 14:30

That is real amazing fast

Yepp, banned and links removed fast, wanker....

Askanas 10-11-2006 17:01

Heureka ! Schmerzfrei trotz Arthrose

Naos 10-11-2006 17:04

Auszug aus unserem Regelwerk Punkt 7:


Ausdrücklich untersagt: Kommerzielle Werbung!

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